Workplace Anxiety


Understanding Your Behavioral Strengths to Handle Anxiety

Did you know nearly half the population experiences anxiety on a daily basis? If you’ve felt the dreaded sunday night blues or the depressing monday morning commute, you know what it’s like to feel workplace related anxiety. It has a habit of creeping into other parts of our lives too, impacting our relationships, health, and happiness. 
So what can be done about it?
The first step is to identify what’s causing your stress – be specific. Do you feel micromanaged and intimidated by your supervisor? Are you overworked, undertrained, underappreciated? Do you feel like a fish out of water in the majority of your daily tasks? 
Understanding how your behavior influences your day to day life can also help. A high energy person may feel stressed when tasked with slow paced, detailed projects. While someone who prefers a steady routine might feel overwhelmed by high pressure, fast moving projects. 
For a detailed overview of how behavior can impact your workplace anxiety, check out our previous article here. Our Behavioral Expert Melanie explains how different behavioral traits handle various situations. 
Behavior reaches into every aspect of our lives. Recognizing and leveraging that behavior can completely change how you interact with the world, and how others interact with you. This translates to a better work environment and happier employees. The results are real, we’ve helped businesses increase retention rates by 10%, decrease turnover by 50%, and increase revenue! At Know Your Talents that’s our specialty – identifying and leveraging behavior to achieve your goals. Why wait? Let’s get started!

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